Hi, I’m
I can’t wait to help you achieve financial success.

After years of experience on my own journey with finances I now share all that I have learned to help educate and coach others
When life is comfortable the bills are paid, money is in the bank and we have no worries. But at any given moment life can take a major turn. Whether it is job loss, an accident, or a major health issue and if we are not properly prepared for these events our contentment can become a crisis in a split second.
This was exactly what happened to me in 2009 when after 18yrs of employment I found myself sitting in the unemployment office with everyone else who had lost their job due to the Great Recession. There were limited jobs, everyone was fighting for them and they were not paying what I was used to making. Thankful i had been living below my means and only had my mortgage as debt but I immediately had to start cutting every expense I had, even down to the size of my garbage can. I started to really focus on my spending using Dave Ramsey's principles on how to budget and manage money properly so that I didn't lose my house.
On my journey, I joined a direct sales company (or 2) to supplement my income and had to really figure out the business side of finances. After a couple of years, I started helping others in direct sales and small business understand how to track and make sense of their business finances. Eventually I became certified through Dave Ramsey's financial coach program to help those focused on personal finances.
Today I have a passion for helping others using all that I have learned on my journey so that they too can have a life with less stress about money and be prepared for those bumps in the road that for most would cause a financial crisis.